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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-99

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 93 VI VOCAL MUSIC This course will include few lectures on the choral service and its proper performance Novemb be given on Wednesdays at and will be open to the Clergy and other occasional Students at special fee of half- a-guinea VII TERMS The Academical Year consists of Three Terms viz Michaelmas Term beginning Thursday October 1880 Lent Term beginning Thursday January 13 1881 Easter Term beginning Thursday April 28 1881 VIII THE UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM Admission and Residence -Anyone who has completed his course of study and examination in the Theological Depart- ment of this College is admitted as student in Arts at the University of Durham without further examination and is admissible to the Final Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts after he has kept three terms at least by residence as Student in arts These terms need not be kept consecutively Students who wish to enter at University College should write to the Master those who wish to do so at Bishop Hatfield Hall to the Principal and those who intend to come up as unattached members of the University to the Junior Proctor It is best to enter in October It is not advisable to do so in the Easter Term except for special reasons The arrangements at University College are much the same as in the Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge Bishop Hatfield Hall is conducted on system similar to that of Keble College Oxford Expenses -At University College -Admission fee £2 caution-money £15 returnable on taking the degree
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