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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-92

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86 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT Dogmatic Theology General History of the Articles Special Examination in some portion of the Articles lectured on Hooker Book Pearson on the Creed Art -III Greek Testament The Gospels according to St Matthew and St John the Acts and Catholic Epistles for translation with general questions on the subject date and authorship of each book Special examination in portions lectured on Old Testament Examination in lectures delivered about half of the Old Testament Ecclesiastical History Examination in periods lectured on Pastoral Theology General History of the Prayer Book Special Examination in portions lectured on Hebrew Examination in Grammar and Translation and in the subjects of the Lectures delivered Latin Cicero De Natura Deorum Books II Latin Prose Composition Public Reading Music This examination will be held partly at the end of the Third Term partly at the close of the Vacations preceding and following that term according to notices which will be previously given It must not be deferred without express permission of the Principal and in no case can it be passed at the end of the term preceding that of the Final Examination
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