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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-87

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GENERAL RULES 81 13 Smoking is not allowed in the College or the Quad- rangle 14 It is assumed that each Student will make himself familiar with the rules and regulations laid down for his guidance in this Calendar and no Student shall be entitled to any of the privileges or benefits of Matriculated Student unless he shall have duly conformed to and observed such rules and regulations 15 Each Professor Lecturer or other officer of the College will consider it his duty to report either to the Dean of the Department to which the Student belongs or the Principal any serious breach of discipline 16 If in the opinion of the Principal or of the Council any Student shall persistently violate any of the rules or regulations or the conduct of any Student either within or out of the precincts of the College or of the Hospital shall be derogatory to his station in society or to the welfare or character of the College the Principal may exclude him from attendance at the College and Hospital or either of them until the decision of the Council has been ascertained and the Council may exclude him therefrom as long as they shall think fit or may expel him from being Student and from all benefits thereof and no Student so excluded or expelled shall by reason thereof have any claim upon the College or anything connected therewith GENERAL RULE FOR ALL OCCASIONAL STUDENTS 17 Occasional Students will be required to submit them- selves to the discipline of the College like other Students while within its precincts -The College cap and gown which are worn by all Matriculated Students may be purchased from Messrs Cox Son 28 Southampton Street Strand
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