Calendar: 1880-1881 Page 659
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 059 Give the rule in full accompanied by examples for the declension of proper names of persons and places In which instance are the former not declined "Which substantives are used in the singular although they are preceded by numeral denoting plurality of number Mention also some nouns which are used in the plural only Give the rules for the declension of adjectives and decline in both numbers the German of the new cloak-the gold watch-the beautiful picture-a green eaf How are the comparative and superlative degrees formed in German Give examples and state ex- ceptions Write down the infinitive and past participle of the following imperfects fanb-fprad -jog ו it-f φ b-fit r-ri ctij-b XXVIII -eeologtn Define the terms conglomerate outcrop unconforma- bility anticlinal and escarpment and arrange in descending order the following deposits Silurian Bath Oolite Wealden Cambrian Kimmeridge Clay Mountain Limestone and Lower Chalk What reasons have wre for supposing that the climate in the northern regions has not been always glacial Give some account of life upon the earth in the palaeozoic period Show that ammonites are valuable aids in determining certain geological horizons Describe belemnite ceratite and nautilus and point out their affinities and differences τ τ
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