Calendar: 1880-1881 Page 656
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656 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE or prince was arriving at Stuttgart and Schiller seized this opportunity to retire from the city He was then twenty-three years old III Grammatical Questions Give the rules illustrated by examples of the conjugation of separable and inseparable compound verbs Which prepositions are sometimes used as separable and sometimes as inseparable prefixes Upon what cir- cumstance does this depend and which part of the verb has the accent in the former and which in the latter instance Give examples Write down the declension of the demonstrative pronoun ber bie ba$ when used adjectively and sub- stantively and state the difference between the use of berjenifle and jencr Show by examples how ordinal variative multi- plicative reiterative and fractional numerals are formed Explain and show by examples how the relative and absolute superlative of adverbs is formed and state exceptions In which instance must the inflected verb be placed before the subject and in which at the end of the sentence How are verbal forms in -ing preceded by of instead of for or without rendered in German Translate The art of painting in oil-instead of writing his letters he went out-he came in without saying anything How is the English construction of the accusative with the infinitive rendered in German Give examples
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