Calendar: 1880-1881 Page 609
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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 609 II -fieto CesStamcnt What may be gathered from the Acts of the Apostles and from other parts of the New Testament as to the nature and significance of the Pentecostal Gift of Tongues" Note and distinguish in the history of the Acts of the Apostles the various forms of persecution which the Church underwent On what occasions are miracles recorded in that history What is the function assigned to miracles generally in Holy Scripture In what respects are the character and teaching of the Epistle of St James unique in the New Testament From the accusation made against St Stephen and his defence show that his teaching marks new point of departure in the progress of the Gospel Compare the three accounts of the conversion of St Paul given in the Acts of the Apostles Quote any allusions to it from the Epistles Why was it an event of paramount importance both present and prospective in the history of the Early Church Note briefly the various steps in the admission of the Gentiles to perfect equality with the Jews in the Christian Church Explain the points noticed in the decree of the Council at Jerusalem Give short history of the preaching of the Gospel by St Paul in Pliilippi Corinth and Ephesus Compare the First Epistle of St Peter with the Epistle of St James What light does it throw on the chief practical needs and trials of the churches of Asia Minor 10 Give an analysis of Paul's sermon at Athens and show how it bore upon the opinions and practice of those to whom it was addressed 11 What was the date and the immediate purpose of the Epistles to the Thessalonians Note any passages in them containing the germs of teaching worked out in subsequent Epistles
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