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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-424

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424 THE SCHOOL Euclid -Books -VI with Deductions Algebra -Arithmetical Geometrical Harmonical Progression Permutations and Combinations and Backwork XV Middle Fifth Class Arithmetic -The whole and Mensuration Euclid -The whole with Deductions Algebra -Binomial Theorem Scales of Notation Trignometry -Chapters 1-6 XVI Upper Fifth Class Arithmetic and Mensuration -The whole Euclid -The whole with Deductions Algebra -Multinomial Theorem Convergency and Divergency of Series Continued Fractions and Backwork Trigonometry -As far as Solution of Triangles XVII Lower Sixth Class Arithmetic and Mensuration -The whole ×™ Euclid -The whole with Deductions Algebra -Indeterminate Equations of the First and Second Degree Partial Fractions and Backwork Trigonometry -As far as De Moivre's Theorem Mechanics -Statics XVIII Middle Sixth Class Arithmetic and Mensuration -The whole Euclid -The whole with Deductions Algebra -The whole Trigonometry -Th whole Mechanics -The whole Geometrical and Analytical Conies
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