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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-419

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THE SCHOOL 419 Landscape Drawing and Painting -Professor De La Motte Geometrical Drawing -Professor Glenny Freehand and Model Drawing -F Jones Director of the Workshops -D Walker Director of Gymnasium -R Castellote King's College School consists of three Departments The Upper School The Middle School The Lower School The Upper School is arranged under the Divisions Of Classics and Mathematics Of Modern Languages and Mathematics Division of Classics and General Literature This Division is intended to prepare pupils for the Universities for the General Literature and Medical Depart- ments of King's College the learned professions and the Competitive Examinations The regular course of instruction comprises Divinity Greek Latin and French English Literature Mathematics and the Applied Sciences German is taught at hours fixed by the Head Master on payment of 21 2s per Term Instruction in Drawing may be obtained by all pupils on Tuesday and Friday after the regular School hours on payment of 21 2s per Term Division of Modern Lnstruction This Division is intended to prepare for the Depart- ment of Applied Sciences in King's College the home Civil
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