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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-408

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408 civil service classes The competition for the Excise being very great Students are recommended to join Class also Book required -Brook Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s 6d Books recommended -Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d Ryan's Civil Service Examination Papers Simpkin 2s Anderson's Class Book of Geography Nelson Is 9d Philips' First School Atlas King's College Tots 6d to be had at the College by Students only Inquiries respecting this class should be addressed to the Secretary King's College or to Mr Wood The Limes North Hill Highgate Competitions for appointments in the Excise which are scattered over the United Kingdom are held twice year in June and December Candidates must be between 19 and 22 on the first day of the month in which the exami- nation is held About 200 appointments have been made annually Second Class Assistants of Excise מ receive about £95 per year After about two fyears they become First Class Assistants with fixed salary of £95 After about two years more they become Eide Officers with £115 rising by £5 per year to £130 then Division Officers with £140 rising by £5 per year to £200 There are also higher appoint- ments filled by selection with salaries ranging to £800 There are 100 persons receiving £200 or less and 600 receiving more VI BOF CLERKSHIPS 'Lower Division" of the Civil Service suitable also for Men and Boy Copyists mr walke Each course of preparation begins about month after the preceding Boy Clerks' examination and lasts until the following examination
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