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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-407

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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 407 -Outport Clerkships being of much higher value than Men Clerkships will be much more sought and consequently much more difficult to obtain Candidates are advised there- fore not to aim solely at Outport Clerkships but to obtain Men Clerkships as soon as possible and then continue their preparation for Outport Clerkships Outport Clerkships are open to all Men Clerks between 17 and 20 and to Men Clerks beyond that age if they have had two years' service SECOND CLASS ASSISTANTS OF EXCISE MR WOOD Each course of preparation begins about weeks after the preceding examination and lasts until the following examina- tion Its average duration is 18 weeks There will be three admissions-at the beginning of the course weeks later and immediately after the announcement of the date of the examination Fee for the course £1 18s 6d from the second admission to the end £1 10s from the third admission to the end period uncertain at the rate of 175 6d for weeks The class meets on Friday Evenings from to 30 The scheme of examination is as follows -Obligatory Hand- writing highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic to Vulgar and Decimal Fractions 400 English Composition 400 -Optional Higher Arithmetic including Mensuration Square and- Cube Hoot &c 400 Geography especially that of the British Isles 400 Students joining this Class at the commencement of the course should have some acquaintance with Vulgar and Decimal Fractions Proportion and Interest students joining at the second admission should have some acquaintance with all the rules of Arithmetic
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