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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-334

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334 EVENING CLASisES GILBART LECTURES Tbe following Course of Four Lectures will be given in the ensuing Winter viz Thursday Jan 20-National and International Banking Thursday Jan 27-Public Securities The French Funds Thursbay Feb 3-Paper Money at Home and Abroad Thursday Feb 10-Private Securities Bills of Lading Policies of Insurance Thursday Feb 24-Written Examination on the Subjects of the above Lectures Cards of Admission can be obtained through the Managers the different London Banks and their branches Several Prizes of books will be awarded at the close of the Winter Session 1880-81 in connexion with the Gilbart Lectures JOYZU The value of these depends upon the contributions made to the Fund by the different Banks but twelve Prizes are usual ν awarded Certificates of Distinction and Merit are awarded to those gaining more than seventy-five and sixty marks respectively who do not obtain Prizes No Prizeman of former year can gain the same or lower Prize in subsequent year The place in the Prize-list not the value of the Prize is to be regarded 17 THE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Bays and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursdayr from to Definitions Physical and Chemical changes Metrical System of Weights and Measures-Atmospheric Pressure- Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Gases Elements -Chemical Compounds-Mechanical Mixtures- Combining proportions or atomic weights-Quantivalence- Use of Symbols-Classification of Compounds and Elements according to their chemical behaviour
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