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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-332

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332 EVENING CLASSES 16 COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL AND COM- MERCIAL LAW JToar of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to Free Introductory Lecture will be given by the Professor on Thursday October 14 at Introductory Lecture On uThe Commercial relations between England and China COMMERCE Six Lectures on Foreign Commerce new Treaty of Commerce with France The Wine Duties and the Portuguese Tariff State of Commerce in the United States of America Progress of Commerce in Italy State of Trade in British India Our Commerce with Japan Ten Lectures on the Economics of Commerce and Manufactures The Uses and Abuses of Capital The Coinage The Laws of the Circulation The Rate of Interest Trade in Stock Exchange Securities Labour Wages The Relation of Taxation to Commerce Taxes on Articles of Food and Drink Taxes on Manufactures Native and Foreign
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