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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-329

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EVENING CLASSES 329 France Its physical features divisions produce commerce populations education colonies national institutions and influence on the rest of Europe VI Belgium Physical features in the and climate mineral wealth populations languages industries towns government and influence of its institutions on the adjacent countries VII Holland Its relation to the North Sea and to the Rhine embanking and draining influence of these arts on our own country climate populations industries commerce colonies provinces towns and government VIII Denmark Iceland and the Faroe Islands Physical features of Denmark populations industries climate government education IX Sweden and Norway The mountains lakes glaciers climate produce populations education chief divi- sions and towns Spitzbergen and the Arctic regions Their climate natural phenomena and fisheries Russia Growth of the Empire Rivers plains and table-lands chief divisions and towns populations climates industries government education XL Prussia and Germany Provinces and towns peoples produce education government Growrth of the kingdom of Prussia and national institutions XII Austria and Hungary The growth of the Empire Provinces and towns the populations industries government education XIII Switzerland Its mountains glaciers and lakes populations industries and government XIV Spain and Portugal Physical features climate natural produce industries populations govern- ment education colonies XV Italy Mountains and lakes climate industries government and education divisions towns
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