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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-326

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Page content

326 EVENING CLASSES to IX -Wolsey's Administration Grig and Progress of the Reformation on the Con- Military Wol χ -state and Progress of the Nation XL XII -Edward VI and Mary Death-Struggle between the Reformation and the Papacy XIII to XIX-Elizabeth Her Character and Policy Protestantism at home and abroad Mary Massacre of St Bartholomew The Queen of Scots Henry IV of France The Spanish Armada Commerce Navi- gation Colonisation Puritanism -State and History of Ireland Tudors XXI to XXIII -Accession and previous History of James State of Scotland State of Parties in England Events in England Scot- land and Ireland Foreign Policy and Character of James XXIV to XXVIII -Charles The Duke of Buckingham Early English Parliaments Scotch and Irish Parliaments Laud and Wentworth The Long Parliament XXIX XXX -Civil War Committee of Safety Fair- fax Ironsides Assembly of Divines at Westminster Struggles of the Parliamentary Parties Decline of the Royal Cause Montrose Cromwell Supreme XXXI to XXXIV -Confinement Trial and Death of Charles The New Government Eikon Basilike Milton's Political Writings The Levellers Independents Crom- well in Ireland and in Scotland Charles Changed II Battle of Worester
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