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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-325

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EVENING CLASSES 325 Prize is also offered to Members of the Literature Class by the "Early English Text" Society In awarding this Prize account will be taken both of the results of the Examination in Literature and of the marks gained for an English Essay The subject of the English Essay for 1881 will be Francis Bacon This Essay will be the test of distinction in the Composition Class but competitors for the Society's Prize need not necessarily be Members of that Class The Essays must be sent in to the Lecturer on or before Monday February 28 1881 books recommended Morley's First Sketch of English Literature Ha lam Literary History Shakespeare's King Lear Marlowe's Faustus Milton Piers Plowman Spedding's Life and Works of Francis Bacon Spenser-Globe Edition Ward's History of the English Drama Morell's English Grammar and Graduated Course of Exercises Dalgleish's Introductory Text-book on English Com- position Johnston's Civil Service Precis Craik's Outlines of the History of the English Language ENGLISH HISTORY Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from to Lectures II -England before and after the Conquest III -The Wars of the Roses and Henry VII IV -Review of Europe at the Accession of Henry VIII Clarendon Press Series
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