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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-320

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320 EVENING CLASSES BOOKS RECOMMENDED Liddell Scott's Lexicon Curtius1 Greek Grammar edited by Smith Sidgwick's Introduction to Greek Prose Composition ANCIENT HISTORY Day and Hour of Attendance-Wednesday from to -The History of Greece October term IT -Greek Literature-Poetry Philosophy and Science Lent Term III -History of the East and of Primitive Civilisation Easter Syllabus History of Greece The transition from Eastern to Western civilisation The influence of the East on Greece The Greek race Early History of Greece The Greek Priesthood The Greek Eeligion Persia and Greece Political History of Athens Athenian Society 10 Summary II Greek Literature The Intellectual movement in Greece Homeric Poetry-the Iliad The Odyssey The Attic Drama iEschylus Early Greek Philosophy Pythagoras Socrates Plato Aristotle 10 Greek Science III History of the East and of Primitive Civilisation Chief factors in Early Civilisation climate race in- tellectual conceptions The Distribution of Paces Primitive Eeligion The ancient Clan The Origin and Growth of Language The Invention of Writing History of the Egyptian Nation The Eeligion of Egypt History of Babylon and Assyria 10 India and China The Lectures on the History of the East will be specially designed to illustrate the monuments in the British Museum
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