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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-312

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312 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT deposit all the required Testimonials with the Fee at the Office of the Beadle where attendance is given every day except Sunday from Ten to Four o'clock Saturdays Ten to Two The Examination is divided into two parts and is conducted partly in writing and partly viva voce First Examination which may be passed after the Second Winter Session embraces the following subjects Physicians' Prescriptions and Pharmacy Anatomy and Physiology including an examination on the living subject General and Practical Chemistry Botany Materia Medica and Histology Second Examination at the termination of the Medical studies Principles and Practice of Medicine including an Examination of one or more patients Pathology and Therapeutics Midwifery including the Diseases of Women and Children Forensic Medicine Toxicology and Microscopical Pathology Testimonials required of Candidates for the First Examination Of having passed an Examination in Arts recognised by the Medical Council Of having completed the curriculum of study to the close of the Second Winter Session and of having attended three months' Practical Pharmacy and of good moral conduct Second or Pass Examination Of having completed four years' medical study including the period spent at the Hospital of being twenty-one years of age and of good moral conduct Of having passed the First Examination Of having completed the prescribed curriculum of study according to the Schedule including personal attendance of twenty cases of Midwifery and of having received instructions in Practical Vaccination and vaccinated not less than twenty cases Of having served the office of Clinical Clerk at recognised Hospital during the period of six weeks at least Of having been examined at the Class Examinations instituted by tha various Lecturers and Professors of their respective Medical Schools and Colleges By the Twenty-second Section of the Act of Parliament of 1815 no rejected Candidate for the Licence can be re-examined until the expiration of Six Calendar Months from his former Examination
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