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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-309

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 309 during not less than six months at Hospital General Dispensary or Parochial or Union Infirmary recognised for this purpose or in such other similar manner as in the opinion of the Council shall afford sufficient opportunity for the acquirement of Practical Surgery 13 Of having attended during the whole period of attendance on Surgical Hospital Practice see Clause demonstrations in the Post-Mortem Rooms of recognised Hospital 14 Of having attended at recognised Hospital or Hospitals the Practice of Medicine and Clinical Lectures on Medicine during one Winter and one Summer Session -Blank Forms of the required Certificates may he obtained on applica- tion to the Secretary and all necessary Certificates will be retained at the College Professional Examination This Examination is divided into two parts The first or Primary Examination on Anatomy and Physiology is partly written and partly demonstrative on the recently dissected Subject and on prepared parts of the Human body The Second or Pass Examination on Surgical Anatomy and the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Medicine is partly written partly oral and partly on the practical use of Surgical Apparatus and the practical examinations of patients Candidates can claim exemption from examination in Medicine under the following conditions viz The production by the Candidate of Degree Diploma or Licence in Medicine entitling him to register under the Medical Act of 1858 or Degree Diploma or Licence in Medicine of Colonial or Foreign University approved by the Council of the College II declaration by the Candidate prior to his admission to the Final Examination for Membership or Fellowship that it is his intention to obtain either of the Medical Qualifications mentioned in the foregoing paragraph in which case the Diploma of the College will not be issued to him until he shall produce either the said Medical Qualification or proof of having passed the several examinations entitling him to receive the same The Primary Examinations are held in the months of January April May July and November and the Pass Examinations generally in the ensuing week respectively Candidates will not be admitted to the Primary Examination until after the termination of the Second Winter Session of their attendance at recognised School or Schools nor to the Pass Examination until after the termination of the fourth year of their professional education
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