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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-308

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308 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT The use of Surgical Apparatus The Examination of diseased structures as illustrated in the content of museum of Morbid Anatomy and otherwise צ Of having attended one course of Lectures on each of the following subjects viz Chemistry Materia Medica Medicine Forensic Medicine Midwifery with practical instruction and Certificate of having personally conducted not less than ten labours Pathological Anatomy during not less than three months Note -The Course of Lectures op Chemistry included in Clause will not be required in the case of Candidate who shall have passed satisfactory Examination in this subject in his Preliminary Examination Of having studied Practical Pharmacy during three months Of having attended three months' course of Practical Chemistry with Manipulations in its application to Medical Study Of Instruction and Proficiency in the practice of Vaccination Note -The Certificate of Instruction in Vaccination must be such as Will qualify its holder to contract as Public Vaccinator under the regulations at the time in force of the Local Government Board Note -The Certificates of attendance on the several Courses of Lectures must include evidence that the Student has attended the Practical Instructions and Examinations of his Teacher in each Course 'J Of having attended at recognised Hospital or Hospitals the Prac tice of Surgery during three Winter and two Summer Sessions 10 Of having been individually engaged at least twice in each week in the observation and examination of Patients at recognised Hospital or Hospitals under the direction of recognised Teacher during not less than three months Note -It is intended that the Candidate should receive the instruction required by Clause 10 at an early period of his attendance at the Hospital 11 Of having subsequently to the first Winter Session of attendance on Surgical Hospital Practice attending at recognised Hospital or Hospitals Clinical Lectures on Surgery during two Winter and two Summer Sessions 12 Of having been dresser at recognised Hospital or of having sub- sequently to the completion of one year's professional education taken charge of Patients under the superintendence of Surgeon The Winter Session comprises period of six months and in England commences on the 1st of October and terminates on the 31st of March The Summer Session comprises period of three months and in England coirmeiu'es on the 1st of May and terminates on the 31st of July
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