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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-307

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 307 Instruction as the Pupil of legally qualified Surgeon holding the appointment of Surgeon to Hospital General Dispensary or Union Workhouse or where such opportunities of practical instruction are afforded as shall be satisfactory to the Council Attendance on Lectures on Anatomy Physiology or Chemistry by Lecturers recognised by this College III Candidates prior to their admission to the First or Primary Examina- tion on Anatomy and Physiology will be required to produce the following Certificates viz Of having attended Lectures on Anatomy during two Winter Sessions Of having performed Dissections during not less than two Winter Sessions '11 Of having attended Lectures on General Anatomy and Physiology during one Winter Session Of having attended Practical Course' of General Anatomy and Physiology during another Winter or Summer Session consisting of not less than thirty meetings of the Class Note -By the Practical Course referred to in Clause it is meant that the learners themselves shall individually be engaged in the necessary experi- ments manipulations &c but it is not hereby intended that the learners shall perform vivisections Note -The Certificates of attendance on the several Courses of Lectures must include evidence that the Student has attended the Practical Instructions and Examinations of his Teacher in each Course IV Candidates prior to their admission to the Second or Pass Examination on Surgical Anatomy and the Principles and Practice of Surgery and Medicine will be required to produce the following Certificates viz Of being twenty-one years of age Of having been engaged subsequently to the date of passing the Preliminary Examination during four years or during period extending over not less than four Winter and four Summer Sessions in the acquirement of professional knowledge Of having attended Lectures on Surgery during one Winter Session Of having attended Course of Practical Surgery during period oc- cupying not less than six months prior or subsequent to the Course required by the preceding Clause Note -The Course of Practical Surgery referred to in Clause is intended to embrace instruction in which each Pupil shall be exercised in practical details such as in The application of anatomical facts to Surgery on the living person or on the dead body The methods of proceeding and the manipulations necessary in order to detect the effects of diseases and accidents on the living person or on the dead body The performance where practicable of the operations of Surgery on the dead body
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