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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-305

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 305 The Fee for the Licence is Fifteen Guineas Any Candidate who shall produce satisfactory evidence of having passed an Examination on any of the subjects of the First Examination conducted at University in the United Kingdom in India or in British Colony will be exempt from re-examination on those subjects in which he has passed Any Candidate who shall produce satisfactory evidence of having passed an Examination on Anatomy and Physiology conducted by the Royal College of Surgeons of England or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh or the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland or the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow after Course of Study and an Examination satisfactory to the College will be exempt from re-examination on those subjects Any Candidate who shall produce satisfactory evidence of having passed an Examination on Anatomy and Physiology required for Degree in Medicine or Surgery at University in the United Kingdom in India or in British Colony after Course of Study and an Examination satisfactory to the College will be exempt from re-examination on those subjects Any Candidate who shall have obtained Degree in Surgery at University in the United Kingdom after Course of Study and an Examination satis- factory to the College will be exempt from re-examination on Surgical Anatomy and Pathology including Morbid Anatomy and on the Principles and Practice of Surgery Any Candidate who shall have passed the Examination on Surgery conducted by the Royal College of Surgeons of England or the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh or the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland or the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow after Course of Study and an Ex- amination satisfactory to the College will be exempt from re-examination on Surgical Anatomy and Pathology including Morbid Anatomy and on the Principles and Practice of Surgery Any Candidate who shall have obtained Foreign Qualification which entitles him to practise Medicine or Surgery in the country where such Qualification has been conferred after course of study and an Examination equivalent to those required by the Regulations of the College shall on production of satisfactory evidence as to age moral character and proficiency in vaccination be admissible to the Pass Examination and shall be exempt from re-examination on such subjects as shall in each case be considered by the Censors' Board to be unnecessary
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