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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-302

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302 ΜΚΠΙΓΛΙ DEPARTMENT Νοτγ C-Under thin Clause the Candidate will be required to how that he has been personally exercised in practical detail such The application of anatomical facts to the Investigation of disease The methods of examining various organs in order to detect the evidence of disease or tlie effects of accidents The employment of Instruments used In diagnosis and treat- ment 1r nt3 The examination of Normal and Diseased Structures whether recent or in Museum The Chemical Examination of Morbid products Operations on the Dead Body Post Mortem Examinations 17 Of Instruction and Proficiency in the practice of Vaccination Note -The Certificate must be such as will qualify its holder to contract as Public Vaccinator under the Regulations at the time in force of the Local Government Board 18 Of having attended course of Lectures on Pathological Anatomy 19 Of having attended Demonstrations in the post-mortem room during the whole period of attendance on Clinical Lectures See Clause 22 20 Of having attended course of Lectures on Forensic Medicine 21 Of having attended at recognized Hospital or Hospitals the Practice of Medicine and Surgery during Three Winter and Two Summer Sessions Note -No Metropolitan Hospital is recognized which contains less than 150 and no provincial or Colonial Hospital which contains less than 100 Patients three months' course of Clinical Instruction in the Wards of recognized Lunatic Hospital or Asylum may be substituted for the same period of attendance in the Medical Wards of General Hospital 22 Of having attended during nine months Clinical Lectures on Medicine and also during nine months Clinical Lectures on Surgery and of having been engaged during period of Three Months in the Clinical Study of Diseases peculiar to Women 23 Of having discharged the duties of Medical Clinical Clerk during six months and of Surgical Dresser during other six months Note These duties may be discharged at General Hospital η fir- mary or Dispensary or Parochial or Union Infirmary duly recog- η iced for this purpose or in such other manner as shall afford Sufficient opportunity for the acquirement of practical knowledge The Cerf'ficites of Attendance on the several Courses of Lectures must include evidence thai the Student has attended Examinations in each Course
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