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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-301

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 301 Note -Professional Studies commenced before Registration except in the cases of Chemistry Materia Medica Botany and Pharmacy will not be recognized Of having been engaged in Professional Studies at least forty-five months during which not less than three Winter Sessions and two Summer Sessions shall have been passed at one or more of the Medical Schools recognized by the College One Winter Session and two Summer Sessions may be passed in one or more of the following ways Attending the Practice of Hospital Infirmary or other Insti- tution duly recognised as affording satisfactory opportunities for Professional Study δ Receiving instruction as Pupil of legally qualified Prac- titioner having opportunities of imparting practical knowledge of Medicine Surgery or Midwifery Attending Lectures on one or more of the required subjects of Professional Study at duly recognised place of instruction Of having received instruction in Chemistry including Chemical Physics meaning thereby Heat Light and Electricity Of having received instruction in Practical Chemistry Of having received instruction in Materia Medica Of having received instruction in Botany Of having received instruction in Practical Pharmacy Note -By this is meant Instruction in Practical Pharmacy by registered Medical Practitioner or by Member of the Pharma- ceutical Society of Great Britain or in Public Hospital Infirmary or Dispensary Of having attended course of Lectures on Anatomy 10 Of having performed Dissections during not less than twelve months 11 Of having attended course of Lectures on General Anatomy and Physiology 12 Of having attended separate Practical course of General Anatomy and Physiology 13 Of having attended course of Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Medicine 14 Of having attended course of Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery 15 Of having attended course of Lectures on Midwifery and Diseases peculiar to Women Certificate must also be produced of attendance on not less than Twenty Labours which Certificate must be signed by one or more legally qualified practitioners 16 Of having undergone Systematic Practical Instruction in the Depart- ments of Medicine Surgery and Obsteric Medicine
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