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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-293

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 293 XXXIV if the Matriculated Students of en out Cards of Attendance during the Those marked received Special Certificate for ist Class in Divinity Those marked received Special Certificate for Practical Anatomy Those marked received Special Certificate for Physiology Those marked received Special Certificate for Chemistry Those marked received Special Certificate for Surgery Those marked received Special Certificate for Medicine Those marked receiveda Special Certificate for Botany Those narked received Special Certificate for Practical Chemistry Seepage 271 Those marked Materia Tho marked receive Special Certificate for Obstetric Medicine Those narked received Special Certificate for Practical Physiology Ackland Charles Kingsley Buck Lewis Archer Allen Charles Holt Aslett George Stratton Astley Frank Charles Atkinson Ralph Baggetto Joseph George 23 Beevor Hugh Reeve Benson Ernest Walter Bishop Charles Rosser Blake Cyril Paget Hoobbyer Philip Botham Richard Henry Butcher Herbert Pickering Caldwell James Addington Caleb Cornelius Clement Camps Samuel Castle Charles Wigram Castor Josiah Charles Castor Richard Henderson Cheves James Trelawney Cheves William Arbuthnot Chevne Robert Childe Charles Plumley Bniithwaite Edwd Ainslie Collier William Braga John Fiancis Colthurst John Butler Branson Herbert William Comber ArthurWandesfοrd Breach James Henry Bremner William Ernest Brooks Gilbert Whalley Brooks Jabez Pratt Brooks Samuel John Corner Edward Cornish Chas Newton Cowan Malcolm Craddock Sidney Ernest Crookshank Edg March Brooks Walter Tyrrell dimming Thos Polter Broom Arthur Robert Browse Sidney cunnington cecil Wit Cusse Ernest
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