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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-292

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Page content

292 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Forensic Medicine Maddison William Thomas Prize Craddock Sidney Ernest Certificate of Honour Obstetric Medicine Groom William Prize Gordon Arthur Henry Certificate of Honour Materia Medica Brooks Walter Tyrrell Prize Lynam Robert Garner Ί η λ Λ τιΛ Λ יד η י ο γ ZQ Certificates 01 Honour Merrmeld Sydney Sargent Clinical Medicine Boobbyer Philip Prize XXXIII Karnes of those who have filled the Offices of Assistant House Surgeon Assistant House Physician and Assistant House Accoucheur during the past year Assistant House Physicians Nov 1879 to Apr 30 880 McDonnell Emerson Η May 1880 to Oct 31 1880 Silk Assistant House Surgeons Nov 1879 to April 30 1880 Phillips John May 1880 to Oct 31 1879 Farmer Assistant House Accoucheurs Nov 1879 to April 30 1880 Penny May 1880 to Oct 31 1880 Davidson
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