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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-289

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 289 XXXII Names of those to whom the Prizes and Certificates of Honour for the Winter Session of 1879-80 and fm the Summer Session of 1880 have been allotted Prizes and Certificates gained in the Winter Session 1879-80 Warneford Endowment West John Arthur Craddock Sidney Ernest Leathes Endowment Kealy John William ץ Prizes Emerson Peter Henry Divinity Dent Herbert Crowlej Dornford Charles Thomson Short Thomas Sydney lst ear Habgood William Lynam Robert Garner mison Prizes Lynam Robert uarner Vann Alfred Mason ndyear Anatomy Thomson St Clair Prize Aslett George Stratton Edwards Arthur Rea Certificates of Honour ceq Stivens Bertram Herbert Physiology Lynam Robert Garner Prize Beevor Hugh Reeve TT θΑ ן ך ך ך Certificates of Honour otivens Bertram Herbert Chemistry Porter Guy David Prize Lynam Robert Garner Certificate of Honour τ
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