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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-286

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286 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Physician-Accoucheur and all those holding Out-Patient appointments are exempted from this rule- 12 Every attendant wishing to be temporarily off duty must arrange with the Resident-Accoucheur and submit to him the name of another properly qualified attendant who undertakes all responsibility during his absence 13 The Resident-Accoucheur has authority to suspend from duty any attendant infringing these rules but he must report such suspension to the Physician-Accoucheur within twenty-four hours 14 No Student will receive certificate for practical in- struction in Midwifery unless he has attended at least ten cases in connection with King's College Hospital 15 Regular attendants will receive special certificate XXII MEDICAL SOCIETY President for 1880-81 William Rose Honorary Presidents Barrow Α Β Baxter Prof Buchanan Beale Prof Bell Professor Geoifrey Bell Royes Bentley Prof Bloxam Prof Cartwright Cartwright Prof Cheyne Curnow Prof Duffin Prof Ferrier Prof Garrod Guy Hayes Johnson Prof Kelly Piofessor Lister Professor McHardy Professor Playfair Prof Priestley Pritchard Rose Sheppard Prof Smith Prof Watson Sir Bart Wood Prof Yeo Burnev Yeo Prof Gerald Vice-Presidents Milles Smith Hugh Newmarch Thurston Silk Willcocks
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