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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-277

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 277 Diseases of Women and Children and Physician-Accoucheur three of whom shall hold office for three months and the three others for the remaining three months They shall have served the office of Out-Patient Clerks for period of three months The viva voce examination shall be chiefly in the Anatomy of the Viscera and Morbid Anatomy the wrritten examination in Materia Medica and Practice of Medicine with especial relation to the Diseases of Women and Children He shall as one of his duties under the direction of the Physician-Accoucheur's Assistant assist in the Maternity Department by attending midwifery cases Physician's Assistant -A student shall not be elected to this Μ Medical at the date at which his duties commence by some diploma to practise Medicine or shall be full member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England-that is have passed in Medicine as well as Surgery and shall have served to the satisfaction of the Physicians the office of In-Patient Clinical Clerk for the full period of six months He shall previously to his appointment produce certificate of moral character to the Management The viva voce examination shall be in Anatomy and Morbid Anatomy the written examination in Materia Medica Toxico- logy in the Practice of Medicine and in Midwifery The Physician's Assistant shall visit the medical wards daily between the hours of 10 and 12 15 o'clock in the morning accompany the Physician during his visit and prescribe under his direction shall see such patients in the evening as the Physician may think necessary and be responsible for the proper treatment of the medical cases In the event of the death of any patient in the Medical Wards he shall send immediate notice to the Physician under whose care the patient was admitted and to the Pathological Registrar
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