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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-27

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NAMES OP PROFESSORS ETC 21 Name De La Motte Philip Henry Dietert Max Arminius Gustavus D'Orsey Rev Alexander James Douglas Robert Kennaway Drew Rev William Henry Duffin Alfred Baynard Duncan Peter Martin Μ Ό Dunn Robert William Dupuis Alexander Louis Eade Edwin Arthur Ellis William Francis Rosslewin Farre Arthur Ferrier David Gaborit Rev Louis Gardiner Samuel Rawson Garrod Alfred Baring Geare Reginald Gill Wilfred Austin Glenny William Joseph Green Thomas Griffin Edmund Fuller Groves James William Guy William Augustus Hagreen Harry William Owen Hales John Wesley Hall Alexander Hayes Thomas Crawford Hey wood Rev James John Hinks Robert Hole Rev Charles Howley Thomas Huntington Alfred Kirby Jackson Rev Blomfield Jones Frederick James Johnson George Johnson George Stillingfleet Kelly Charles Professor Asst Master Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Professor Vaccinator Master Asst Master Asst Master Cons Phvsician Professor Asst Master Professor Cons Physician Asst Master Lecturer Professor Asst Master Lecturer Demonstrator Cons Physician Lecturer Professor Master Asst Phys Asst Professor Lecturer Lecturer Professor Professor Asst Master Master Professor Asst Dem Professor Pract Fine Art German Public Reading Chinese Mathematics Path Anat Geology Hospital French School School Hospital For Med French History Hospital School Classics Geo Drawing Arithmetic Law Physiology Hospital Geo Drawing English Writing Hospital Mathematics Civil Serv CI Eccl History Tamil Telugu and Hindust Metallurgy School Drawing Clin Medicine Chemistry Hygiene Date of first Appoint- ment in the College 1855 1880 1864 1873 1869 1860 1870 1863 1873 1874 1875 1841 1871 1876 1871 1862 1873 1879 1864 1872 1879 1879 1838 1877 1867 1866 1872 1860 1879 1879 1861 1879 1865 1879 1843 1879 1879
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