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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-263

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 263 11 The Registrars to be responsible for keeping all the Cases thoroughly indexed and for the safe custody of all the Records enumerated above 12 These Rules are not designed to set aside or to super sede any of the Regulations already laid down in the Calendar concerning the Sambrooke Registrarships Candidates for these offices must send in their names ac- companied in the case of application for re-appointment by the Certificates named in Regulation VI to the Secretary of the College before the 1st of November in each year and those elected Registrars must enter on their duties on the 1st of January following Names of Registrars Surgical Medical 1868 Howells Thomas 1869 Philpot 1870 Philpot Baxter Ε 1871 Pritchard Baxter Ε 1872 Roche Ε Hayes 1873 Rose Birch Κ 1874 Rose Bomford 1875 Barrow Batterbury 1876 Nicholson Barrow 1877 Ground Hebb 1878 Tirard Ν Hebb Howlett Ε Cheyne 1879 Howlett Ε Willcocks Cheyne Milles 1880 Newmarch XIX College £d 01arsi tps GENERAL ROLES Good conduct and regular attendance upon Lectures Examinations and Hospital Practice are indispensable for
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