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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-259

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medical department 259 Inorganic Chemistry with practical qualitative analysis Botany with practical examination Zoology with practical examination Candidate may take up any one or more of these sub- jects One hundred marks will be assigned to each but for each subject taken up half marks must be reached or the marks gained in that subject will not be counted The amount of these Exhibitions will be allowed as most convenient to the successful candidates in reduction of the fees payable for the Medical course The examination will begin at 10 on Tuesday September 28th Candidates must give in their names to the Secretary of the College on form to be obtained in the office on or before on Saturday September 25th and state what subjects they select for examination No Student can gain in the same year more than one of he following viz "Warneford" First Class Scholarships 'Clothworkers''י Science Scholarships "Sanibrooke" Ex- libitions XVIII sambroofte iifte&tcal an& Surgical 1il£fii8trnre6fp These Registrarships were founded May 10 1867 by Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke Esq of 32 Eaton Place In the hope of benefiting and with the desire of in- creasing the usefulness of that most admirable institution King's College London with the Hospital in intimate con- nexion therewith in the which have always taken and continue to feel so deep an interest as well as with view to the advancement and adding to the general usefulness of Medical Science
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