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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-251

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 251 names to the Secretary of the College on form to be obtained in the office three days before the commencement of the Examination and state which of the optional subjects they have selected They must also register their Cards of admission to the Medical Department with the Dean before the first day of examination No Student can gain more than one of the following in the same year viz Warneford First Class Scholarships Science Clothworkers Exhibitions Sambrooke Exhibitions 1880 The days of Examination are fixed as follows Tuesday September 28 in λ ζ ΤΊττ7 τχττ τ ν 12 hour to each of the threesubjects 1u tO uivini1y with short intermissions Wednesday September 29 to ΜΔΤττττΜΛττρς Pi hour to each of the three subjects tO mathematics with short intermissions to Latin Thursday September 30 10 to 12 History to English Literature The other subjects will be arranged as may be most con- venient The subjects for Examination will be Divinity Old Testament -Tbe First and Second Books of Samuel New Testament Matthew The Church Catechism -Books recommended Barry's Notes on the Catechism or Maclear's Class Book of the Catechism of the Church of England English and History Shakespeare Macbeth The reign Elizabeth Creighton's Age of Elizabeth Latin -Sallust De Bello Jugurthino
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