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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-243

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243 of good conduct of regular attendance on the Divinity Lectures and Certificates of having passed two of the Terminal Examinations mentioned at page 213 Clause The next Examination will take place on Wednesday October 1880 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to the Dean of the Medical Department before two o'clock on Friday October and after this hour no name will be received The following will be the subjects for Examination in 1880 Old Testament -The Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy New Testament -The Epistles to the Corinthians Prayer-Book -The Morning and Evening Services The following will be the subjects for Examination in 1881 Old Testament -The First and Second Books of Kings New Testament -The Acts of the Apostles Prayer- Book -The Communion and Baptismal Services Names of Prizemen For the Names of those elected previously to 1866 see the Calendar for 1865-6 1866 Milles George Ridley 1867 Beach Fletcher Kidger Alfred Armitage 1868 Rat Joseph Numa 1870 Duncan Andrew Hartridge Gustavus 1871 Soutter Mansfield Colier Batterbury George Henry 1872 Moore George Edward 1874 Tirard Nestor Isidore Charles 1875 Clarke Thomas Furze Willcocks Frederick 1876 Blomfield Arthur George ך Snell Edward Arthur wq' 1879 Kealy John William Emerson Peter Henry
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