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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-242

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242 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT II Must have obtained some one of the following dis- tinctions Medical Scholarship The office of Physician's Assistant House Surgeon Physician Accoucheur's Assistant or of Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy served with distinction together with one prize Three Medical Prizes in different subjects of which the Warneford may be recorded as one or two In-Patient Clinical Appointments served with distinction together with Two Prizes First-class Honours at the University of London at one of the Examinations for the Degrees of Medi- cine Surgery or Science subsequent to the Pre liminary Science Examination Such other professional distinction as shall be deemed sufficient by the Medical Board III Candidates for this distinction must communicate their wishes together with statement of their claims and qualifi- cations to the Dean in writing on or before the 31st March in each year IV No Associate can be elected Scholar or compete for Prizes or Certificates in the Department in which he has gained his Associateship XVI ENDOWED PRIZES The interest of 300Z bequeathed by the late Leathes Esq is expended annually in the purchase of large Bible and large Prayer-Book which are given to the two Medical Students who are found most worthy of the same for their pro- ficiency in religious knowledge and for general good conduct All Matriculated Students of this Department may be Can- didates for these Prizes Candidates must produce Certificates
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