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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-236

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236 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT III Students are recommended to add to the above the Fee for attendance on the Medical Tutor's Class for one year viz 31 3s for the first year subjects All Resident Students are required to attend the Tutor for the first year subjects IV redaction equal to 20 per cent is made from all Fees named in Clause after deducting ll 16s 6d in the case of those joining the Medical Department after having passed at least five Terms in King's College School If Student desires to attend the Lectures of both Professors of Clinical Surgery he will be required to pay an additional Fee of 21 2s for Winter Session and II Is for Summer Session Payment of this sum of 31 3s once will enable Student to continue to attend both Pro- fessors in his subsequent Sessions VI Payment of an additional sum of 2s for each of י ι the Practical Classes entitles Student to perpetual attendance on them VII Students attending the Practical Physiology Class have to pay 11 Is for the use of the Laboratory apparatus VIII The Principal requests each Student of this Depart ment on beginning his Second Winter Session to contribute the sum of 11 Is towards the expenses of the restoration of the College Chapel IX The College Cap and Gown which are worn by all Matriculated Students may be purchased from Messrs Cox and Son 28 Southampton Street Strand
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