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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-222

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222 medical department 23 Medical Tutor It is the province of the Tutor to assist the Censor in the charge of the resident Students and to aid the Junior Students resident as well as non-resident in their studies The course of instruction given by the Medical Tutor is intended to assist the Junior Students in overcoming some of the difficulties which they have to contend with at the com- mencement of their attendance upon Lectures The following is the plan pursued by the Tutor Each class attends for an hour during the Winter Session three times week one day beiog devoted to Chemistry another to Anatomy and third to Physiology Each class is examined viva voce upon the subject of the Lectures which they have been attending during the preceding week An opportunity is thus afforded of ascertaining the progress which each Student is making of correcting any misapprehensions and of explaining any difficulties which may have arisen With this familiar and conversational mode of instruction the Tutor is enabled to combine advice to each Student as to his plan of reading and note-taking and residing within the College he is constantly accessible and may be consulted upon numerous subjects to which the Professors could scarcely be expected to give their time and attention The Tutor's course of instruction is especially calculated to promote and encourage regular and diligent attendance upon Lectures During the Summer Session the same method is pursued with the subjects of Botany and Materia Medica The Medical Tutor also conducts Class for the benefit of candidates preparing for the Preliminary Scientific Examina- tion at the University of London The Class attends for an hour twice in each week during the Winter and Summer Sessions when instruction is given in the several subjects comprised in the Special Preliminary Science Course See page 229
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