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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-221

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 221 21 Hygiene Friday 3-4 j9 course of Lectures on Hygiene will be given during the Winter Session The Lectures will be on the following subjects Air -Its impurities over-crowding ventilation Water -Its impurities diseases produced by the use of bad water constant and intermittent supply Epidemic Diseases with especial reference to their causation and preventability Disinfection -Hospitals for infectious cases conveyance of the sick Drainage and Sewage -Methods of utilising sewage con- struction and ventilation of sewers Healthy Houses -Conditions of healthy lodgment Vital Statistics -Mortality at various ages life-tables death-rates and disease-rates Sanitary Laws and existing orders and regulations of the Local Government Board Effect of various trades and occupations on health Distribution of disease with regard to locality and season effects of climate and dampness of soil Port Sanitary work quarantine ship hygione Practical demonstrations will be given in the analysis of water in the construction of drains traps and ventilators and in the reading of plans and sections 22 Psychological Medicine Course of Lectures on Psychological Medicine will be delivered during the Summer Session and advanced Students will have the opportunity of visiting under the direction of the Professor of Psychological Medicine the Asylum at Colney Hatch
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