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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-217

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medical department 217 In addition to the Laboratory Fee each Student defrays the expenses of his own experiments the amount of this expense which is comparatively trifling is entirely under his own control Every table is furnished with cupboard under lock and key and deposit of 2s 6d is made by each Pupil on first receiving possession The Laboratory opens the first week in October and closes in the middle of July with vacation of fortnight at Christmas and week at Easter Hours of attendance daily from 10 till except on Saturday when the Laboratory closes at The Daniell Scholarship is awarded once in every two years for researches conducted in the Laboratory See page 257 Professional Study of Chemistry Students entering the Chemical Laboratory with the view of making Chemistry professional pursuit are recommended to prepare themselves for the Examinations of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland three-years' course of study of the following subjects is necessary Mathematics Physics Theoretical and Practical Chemistry Theoretical and Practical The Examinations in Practical Chemistry held by Examiners appointed by the Council of the Institute includes the following subjects One Day Qualitative Analysis in which the Candidate's knowledge of the use of the Microscope and Spectroscope will be tested Two Days Quantitative Mineral Analysis including Volumetric Methods Two Consecutive Days Quantitative Organic Analysis including Gas Analysis
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