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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-215

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medical department 215 Histological or Physiological Laboratories and special arrange- ments may be made for original research or private in- vestigation Chemistry An extensive Philosophical Apparatus Mineralogical and Metallurgical Collections valuable Chemical Museum and complete Laboratory are attached to the Chemical Department The Course is divided into two Parts Part comprises preparatory view of the Forces which concur in the production of Chemical Phenomena with de- scription of the Elementary Bodies and their Inorganic Compounds This division of the Course occupies from the beginning of October to the end of January Part II Organic Products and their Metamorphoses Mill of Chemistry Practical Chemistry These Demonstrations commence with the Summer Session and terminate towards the end of July The instruction given is comprised in thirty lessons of two hours each and is so arranged that each Student performs the operations which are in most frequent use in the Laboratory for the purposes of analysis or research including the pro- cesses for detecting the chief mineral and vegetable poisons During this Course brief explanation is given of the prin- cipal phenomena developed in order to connect the facts ob- served with the principles on which they rest This Course is adapted to the requirements of the University of London of the Society of Apothecaries and of the Medical Boards of the Army and Navy as well as to all who with objects professional or otherwise wish to obtain an acquaint- ance with the processes of Manipulation Materials for working are supplied free of charge but all damage done to apparatus must be repaired at the expense of the Student who may have occasioned the same
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