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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-212

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

Page content

Μ Κ DIc Λ I- Κ PART Μ EN Τ Geo Johnson Μ ΚίΜ With care of Lionels Beale In oatiente Alfred Dnilin For Diseases of omen Physicians William Playfair Mid Children and Phy- sician-Accoucheur For Diseases of Women and Ch ildren and Ph y- Hayes 1M sici 1n-Acconehenr With care of Out- patients Burney Yeo ϊβο With care of Assistant avid Ferrier J1 Out-patients Physicians ψ £axter' Uohn Curnow John Wood th Joseph Lister TW1 Car 01 hiirqeons ז tj ο ν η In-patients י Henry Smith KR Koyes Bell Assistant William Rose Out-patients Surgeons Cheyne Dental-Surgeon -S Cartwright Ophthalmic McHardy Ed burgeon J' Aural-Surgeon -Urban Pritchard Vaccinator -Robert William Dunn Pathological Registrar -A Barrow Chloroformist -Charles Moss Willcocks Sambrooke Registrars Newmarch II SYLLABUS OF LECTURES Divinity Μ Winter Session These are so arranged as to embrace th
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