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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-195

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APPLIED SCIENCES 195 These Prizes and Certificates will be open to all Matri- ciliated Students of this Department who are at least in their second Term but who have not exceeded four Terms either in this Department or in this Department and in that of General Literature taken together No Exhibition Prize or Certificate will be given except for absolute merit Certificates of having obtained College Prize made out under the signatures of the Principal and Secretary may be obtained by application at the College Office IX THE ASSOCIATESHIP Every Candidate for this distinction Must have been regular in his attendance at the Divinity Lectures Exemption from this rule will be granted in the case of Foreigners on request from their Parents or Guar- dians to the Principal II Must have pursued his studies as Matriculated Student of this Department for nine Terms This period is reduced to six Terms in the case of those who have previously passed three Terms in theDepartment of General Literature and Science or who have passed two years previously in King's College School and who had spent at least one Term in the highest class of either Division before leaving it who have passed two years previously in one of the Schools in Union and who had spent at least one Term in the highest class of such School before leaving it provided also they have passed with distinction the Examination held at the time of their entering the College Ν
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