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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-191

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APPLIED SCIENCES 191 Names of Exhibitioners 1875 Silk John Frederick William Root Walter Plumb 1876 Norvill Frederick Harvey 1S77 Crookshank Edward March 1878 Merrifield Sydney Sargent Perkins John Edward 1879 Botl Taj ham Richard Henry dor Gotfred Midgley inmbroofce ibtuon One Exhibition of £25 per annum for two years will be given annually out of the funds of the legacy bequeathed to the College by the late Sambrooke Esq It will be given to the Matriculated Student of this Department who shall most distinguish himself in the regular examinations at the close of the Easter Term provided he is at least in his second term but has not exceeded four terms either in this Department or in this Department and that of General Literature taken together This Exhibition will be payable in six equal instalments at the close of each term commencing with the Michaelmas Term following the election provided the Student continues in attendance as Matriculated Student during at least the first throe of such terms and produces at the close of each certificate of good conduct and satisfactory progress signed respectively by the Principal and the Dean VIII SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES The inglts and Darnell &cf 0larsfjips the Ώοΐϊϊ Hr&al for ftfatfjematiiflj the ctrpdrn lumptrr and Dasmt tfrifrs are ail open to Students of this Department
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