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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-183

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applied sciences 183 the College are allowed upon their Entrance to this De- partment to take rank with Students of the Fourth Term Personal application must be made at the time of entrance to the Secretary in order to secure this advantage Such Students in all competitions for prizes will be considered as be- longing to the Second Year There are examinations at the end of the Michaelmas and Easter Terms when the Students are classed according to pro- ficiency The examination in June is followed by public distribution of Prizes detailed report is sent at the end of each term to the parents or guardians of each Student both as to his progress and as to his general attention and good conduct during the term '"ν יי Β Occasional Students or those who being unable to attend the whole Course are desirous of studying any particular subject Every Class is open to them on payment of the specified amount of fees see page 185 Occasional Students are unable to compete for the ordinary prizes but may be recommended for special prize by the Professor The rule as to inability to compete for an ordinary prize will not apply to Matriculated Students of other Departments except the Evening Classes attending Classes in this Department nor to Student of Junior year of this Department attending any Class of Senior year Any Occasional Student will be allowed to attend the Lectures on Religious Instruction on application to the Principal VI limited number of Students are admitted to reside within the College see page 490 and some of the Gentlemen connected with this Department receive Students into their houses See page 493 VII Dinner is provided in the College Hall every day at Six
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