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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-175

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APPLIED SCIENCES 175 III Fuel -The Physical and Chemical properties of various kinds of Fuel The Selection and Economic Pre- paration of Fuel to suit the requirements of Special Processes IV Materials used in the Construction of Furnaces &c Firebricks Crucibles &c Metallurgical Processes Iron and Steel the various methods by which they are produced the effects caused by the presence of foreign substances Copper-smelting Alloys of Copper &c Zinc Ores their treatment Means by which Zinc can be rolled into sheets Alloys of Zinc Brass Muntz's metal &c Lead -Smelting and Desilverization of Lead Silver -Extraction of from its ores its alloys Gold -Methods of extraction and parting from silver and copper &c Smelting Tin Ores Tin-plating Bronze &c Practical Metallurgy Third Year Students on payment of fee of Ā£3 3s Od and half guinea for materials may attend the Laboratory on Wednesdays 40-4 and on Saturdays 10-1 By ar- rangments with the Professor students of all three years may also attend at anytime during college hours on obtaining permission from the Dean The work in the Laboratory is intended to illustrate the principles discussed in the Lectures The instruction given to each student is regulated by his special requirements Especial attention is given to the following subjects The Properties of Metals -The Properties of Metals are modified according to the nature and the quantity of the so-called impurities they contain The quality of metal also varies with the process by which it has been extracted from its ore and the kind of mechanical treatment to which it has been subsequently subjected
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