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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-169

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APPLIED SCIENCES 169 Roasting of Copper-ores Manufacture of Gas free from Sul- phur Preparation of Carbonic Oxide Oxalic Acid Hydrocarbons -Manufacture of Coal-gas Relative values of its constituents Chemical valuation of Gas Explosions in Coal-mines Safety-lamps Illuminating Flames Gas- burners Petroleums and Paraffine Oils Use of the Blow- pipe Ammonia -Valuation of Nitrogenized Manures Formation of Saltpetre Nitric Acid Distillation of Aquafortis Uses of Nitric Acid in assaying and analysis of metallic alloys Preparation of Gun Cotton Fulminate of Mercury Nitroglycerine Nitrobenzole Picric Acid Nitrates Gunpowder Chlorine -Extraction from Salt Bleaching Disinfecting Action of Chlorine on Metals and on organic substances Chloroform Chloral Chloride of Lime Hydrochloric Acid -Manufacture of Alkali Chlorate of Potash -Detonating Fuzes Use of Chlorates in Fireworks Aqua Regia -Mode of Dissolving and Testing Gold Bromine -Iodine -Iodide of Potassium Iodine-scarlet Fluorine -Fluor Spar Etching on Glass Sulphur Metallic Ores containing Sulphur Mineral Sulphates Extraction of Sulphur from Pyrites Commercial varieties and uses of Sulphur Sulphuretted Hydrogen -Sul- phurous Acid -Bleaching by Suphurous Acid Antiseptic action of the Sulphites Sulphuric Acid -Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol Its uses Parting of Gold Blue Vitriol Copperas -Alum Epsom Salts Action of Sulphuric Acid upon organic substances Vegetable Parchment British Gum Glucose Hyposulphite of Soda -Fixing Photographic Prints Anti- chlore Bisulphide of Carbon -Extraction of Oil from Oil- cake Chloride of Sulphur -Vulcanized Rubber
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