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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-168

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168 applied sciences Chemistry Students of the first year are admitted to Course of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry at from 10 20 to 11 20 on Tuesday and Friday throughout the Academical Year The subjects will be discussed in the following order Water -Analysis and Synthesis Electrolysis Atomic Theory Classification of Metals according to their Action upon Water Hydrogen -Diffusion of Gases Balloons Inflammation and Explosion of Gases Oxygen -Combustion Action of the Atmospheric Oxygen upon Non-Metals and Metals Utility of Metals dependent upon their relations to Oxygen Chemical Relations of Water to other Substances -Slacking of Lime Crystallisation of Metallic Salts Effects of Dry and Moist Air upon Salts Natural Forms of Water -Rain Spring Saline and Mineral Waters Hard and Soft Waters Sea Water Boiler incrus- tations Formation of Calcareous Deposits in Nature Pro- cesses for softening Waters Action of Water upon Lead Organic Matter in Waters how to decide upon the character of Water-supply Purification of Water Distillation Nitrogen -Its functions in the Atmosphere Determination of the proportions of Nitrogen and Oxygen in Air Carbon -Diamond and Graphite or Plumbago-their uses Lamp Black Charcoal Distillation of Wood Animal Char- coal or Bone-black-its use in Sugar-refining Coal and its varieties-their applications for Heating and Lighting Carbonic Acid Respiration Fermentation Accidents from Carbonic Acid in Wells &c Testing state of Air in Dwelling-rooms Ventilation Soda-water Importance of Carbonic Acid in Agriculture Salts of Carbonic Acid Pearl- ash Alkali Lime-stones White Lead &c Carbonic Oxide Its value in Metallurgic operations
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