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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-140

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140 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 1875 Harrold Ernest Eyston 1876 Hobson Thomas Frederick 1877 Shaw George Watson 1879 Trewby Donald 1880 Panton Richard Brooke The Rev Edward Hayes Plumptre late Fellow of Brasenose College Oxford formerly Student and now Pro- fessor of the Exegesis of the New Testament and an Honorary Fellow of this College gives annually two Prizes in Books of the value of Five Pounds together for the best English Verse Composition on such subjects as shall be fixed by the Principal These prizes are open to all Matriculated Students of the College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department who have completed one Term and not exceeded nine Terms Students of the Evening Classes are subject to special conditions for which see Ev Class Dep Section XII Subjects for 1881 Original Rhymed Verse not to exceed 200 lines- Mahomet and Sakya Mouni Translations- Homer Iliad VI 369-496 Virgil Eneid II 705-804 Names of Prizemen 1867 Original Plumptre Reginald Charles Edward Meeres Edward Translation Romilly Samuel Henry 1868 Original Plumptre Reginald Charles Edward Translation Wood George 1869 Original Wood George Translation Philpot Joseph Henry
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