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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-138

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138 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Students who being otherwise qualified have left the College within the academical year preceding the examina- tion will be allowed to compete for the medal if recommended by the Principal and by the Professors of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy B-Candidates under Rule must send their names to the Secretary of King's College London on or before June 1st in each year The examination will be conducted by the Professors of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy unless they shall request the Council to appoint Special Examiner The Medal will not be given unless in the opinion of the Examiners high degree of proficiency is shown in the following subjects Geometry Algebra Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Theory of Equations Analytical Geometry of Dimensions Dimensions Differential and Integral Calculus Mechanics These rules may at any time be modified in such manner as the Council may deem best for the interests of the College Names of Medallists 1873 Jacob Francis 1874 Harris Robert Liston 1875 Scott Alexander 1876 Pollock Charles Archibald 1877 Hobson Thomas Frederick 1878 Bere Thomas Alexander
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