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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-131

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 131 Banking to be delivered at King's College in Lon- don by competent Lecturer or competent Lec- turers in the year of our Lord 1872 and in each succeeding year for ever between the 1st day of January and the 30th day of June in each year and between the hours of six o'clock and nine o'clock in the evening admission to which Lectures shall be open gratuitously to all persons willing to attend the same and to conform to such reasonable resula- tions regarding their behaviour and otherwise as the said Governors and Proprietors shall think proper and will cause such Lectures to be an nounced to the public by advertisement in the public newspapers and by other usual methods And also that they the said Governors and Pro- prietors will cause the said Lectures to be called The Gilbart Lectures on Banking" in all such advertisements and other announcements and in the books and accounts of the said Governors and Proprietors and shall and will require each Lecturer at the commencement of each Lecture to read from one or other of the published works of the said testator page or more bearing as near as may be upon the subject of such Lecture VIII Founded hy Maj -Gen Sir Henry Worsley 1834 oriA Education of Missionaries to British India The Council elect Two Scholars upon this foundation to vhorh instruction is given free of all expense in every depart- nent of knowledge Medicine and Surgery included which nay serve to qualify them for the discharge of their important ffice with stipend of 25Z a-year each in aid of their main- 12
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