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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1880-1881-118

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116 general literature and science Occasional Students can attend with either Class or they may attend the Experimental Lectures only on Mondays and Thursday at 11 45 and on Thursdays at The subjects of the Lectures in these classes are elementary and higher Mechanics Hydrostatics Pneumatics Heat and Light Electricity and Magnetism The Students of each year are divided into two divisions according to their proficiency and in these divisions are arranged in order of merit at each examination III For Third-year Students course of Demonstrations in the cc Physical Laboratory is given on Fridays from 10 20 to 11 45 Other Students are admitted to this Class as occa- sional Students -Chemistry and Practical Chemistry On Saturday from 11 20 to 12 20 short course by the Demonstrator On Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 20 to 11 20 For the subjects of the course see 157 Practical Chemistry is given in the Second Year -English Language Literature and Composition Modern History The Lectures are given on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 15 to and embrace English Literature Modern History and Composition At the Examination which takes place in June of each year the following Prizes are given The Brewer י י Prize £5 55 in Books to the highest Student in the Modern History Class Prize of £5 5s in Books offered by General Sir Richard Wilbraham to the highest Student in the English Language and Literature Class
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